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  1. Yoder, G., Glauner, K., & Suskind, D. (2023). The voices of sexual assault survivors at Longwood University. Presentation given at Longwood’s Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Talks: Farmville, Virginia.

  2. Suskind, D. (2022). Writing across the content area. Presentation given at Longwood’s Professional Development Series for Region VIII Schools: Farmville, Virginia.

  3. Suskind, D. (2022). Using multigenres in the JK-12 research classroom. Presentation given at the Summer Literacy Institute at Longwood University: Farmville, Virginia.

  4. Jones, C., Khan, A., McClesky, K., Randall, P., Suskind, D., & Tackett, M. (2022). Examining the educational and social impact of students self-selecting online delivery of instruction over scheduled face-to-face sessions. Presentation given at Longwood University’s Blackwell Talk: Farmville, Virginia.

  5. Suskind, D. (2021). Workplace bullying: Some emerging theories. Presentation given at Longwood University’s Blackwell Talk: Farmville, Virginia.

  6. Tackett, M. & Suskind, D. (2019). Using mentor texts with emergent writers. Piedmont Area Reading Council (PARC) Fall Literacy        Conference, Lynchburg, Virginia.

  7. Suskind, D. & Tackett, M. (2019). Using picture books at a writer’s workshop. Piedmont Area Reading Council (PARC) Fall Literacy        Conference, Lynchburg, Virginia.

  8. Suskind, D. (2019). A narrative inquiry study of the impact of women’s relational aggression on creativity. Presentation given at the Blackwell Talks at Longwood University: Farmville, Virginia.

  9. Suskind, D. (2019). To grow what you know expand how you show: Thinking across the content areas with multigenre. Presentation given at the Summer Literacy Institute at Longwood University: Farmville, Virginia.

  10. Suskind, D. (2018). The purpose and perils with homework. Presentation given at St. Bridget’s School: Richmond, Virginia.  

  11. Suskind, D. (2018). The science behind how girls learn: Supporting your daughters in middle school. Presentation given at St. Catherine’s School, Richmond, Virginia.

  12. Suskind, D. (2018).  Living with dyslexia: Stories from the trenches. Presentation given at Riverside School, Richmond, Virginia.

  13. Suskind, D., Vermillion, J. (2018). How to implement personalized learning across the curriculum in JK Presentation given at St. Catherine’s School, Richmond, Virginia.  

  14. Suskind, D. (2014). Reading and writing across the school day. Presentation given at St. Catherine’s School for the Lower School Faculty: Richmond, Virginia.

  15. Suskind, D. (2013). The reading and writing classroom: Presentation given at St. Catherine’s School for the Middle School Faculty: Richmond, Virginia.

  16. Suskind, D. (2013). Inquiry learning: Student led exploration in the elementary school classroom. Presentation given to the Board at St. Christopher’s School: Richmond, Virginia.

  17. Suskind, D. (2012). Artists at work: Teaching writing through the arts to young learners. Presentation given at the PACE Conference: Richmond, Virginia.

  18. Suskind, D. (2012). Artists at work: Teaching writing through art and creativity in the preschool classroom. Presentation given to Preschool Directors and Teachers at St. Christopher’s School: Richmond, Virginia.

  19. Suskind, D. (2012). The writing workshop: Tips for managing and organizing. Presentation given for NESI/Title I Bypass Teachers: Richmond, Virginia.

  20. Suskind, D. (2004). Setting up a writing workshop in your elementary school classroom. Presentation given at Ratcliffe Elementary School: Richmond, Virginia.

  21. Suskind, D. (2004). Writing across the curriculum K-2 and 3-5. Presentation given for Henrico County Public Schools: Richmond, Virginia.        

  22. Suskind, D. (2004). How to conduct guided reading groups K-2 and 3-5: Presentation given for Henrico County Public Schools. Richmond, Virginia.        


  1. Suskind, D. (May, 2023). Combating workplace bullying and building innovative and healthy work cultures. Presentation given at Virginia Legal Aid Society. 

  2. Tanner-Anderson, D. & Suskind, D. (2020). Women as disruptive change agents in their community. Presentation given at the Virginia Network of the American Council on Education Women’s Network’s Annual Conference: Roanoke, Virginia. (canceled due to COVID).

  3. Suskind, D. (November, 2015). Global partnerships spark classroom innovation. Presentation given at Virginia Association of Independent Schools’ Leading Learning: A Global Symposium:        Richmond, Virginia.

  4. Suskind, D. (2015). Critical literacy in the classroom. Webinar given for the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. Richmond, Virginia.

  5. Suskind, D. & Tyson, B. (2012). Negotiating math centers in the math workshop. Presentation given at the Virginia Association of Independent Schools’ Annual Conference: Richmond, Virginia.

  6. Suskind, D. & Jones, P. (2012). The writing workshop: A playground of possibilities. Presentation given at the Virginia Association of Independent Schools’ Annual Conference: Richmond, Virginia.

  7. Suskind, D. (2009). Inquiry learning: Fifth-grade boys’ journey through the Revolutionary War. Presentation given at the Virginia Social Studies Educators’ Conference: Richmond, Virginia.

  8. Suskind, D. (2006). Legislating literacy: The marginalization of America’s students. Presentation given at the University of Mary Washington’s Social Research Colloquium: Fredericksburg, Virginia.

  9. Suskind, D. (2005). Setting up an apprenticeship model of writing workshop in your elementary school classroom. Presentation given at the Virginia State Reading Association’s Annual Conference: Arlington, Virginia.

  10. Hansen, J., Suskind, D., & Mctigue, E. (March, 2003). Young children write across the curriculum. Presentation given at the Virginia State Reading Association’s Annual Conference: Roanoke, Virginia.

  11. Hansen, J., Suskind, D., & Davis, R. (March, 2002). Writing in the content areas: Preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade children gain diverse writing skills. Presentation given at the Virginia State Reading Association’s  Annual Conference: Virginia Beach, Virginia.


  1. Suskind, D. (October 2022). Rural writing: Teacher leaders advancing the teaching of writing. Presentation given at the Rural Forum Conference: Green Bay, Wisconsin. Carbo, J, Steinhauer, S., & Suskind, D. (June 2022). Assuring dignity at work. Presentation given at Leading Together Principal Desk Conference: Online.

  2. Suskind, D. (October, 2021). Teachers as writers, writers as teachers. Presentation given at the Mentoring Institute of the University of        New Mexico: Albuquerque, New Mexico.  

  3. Suskind, D. (2021). Speak up: Moral courage and whistleblowing. Keynote presentation given at the Public Relations and Communications Association for the Americas Conference: Online.

  4. Suskind, D. (2021). Characters and cultures of workplace bullying. Presentation given at the Re-Define Summit: Online. 

  5. Ramirez, S., Carbo, J., Haas, S., Night, M., Adera, R., Tye-Williams, S., Dzurec, L., Falzoi, D., & Suskind, D. (2021). Are you being bullied at work? Webinar given for the National Workplace Bullying        Coalition: Online.

  6. Suskind, D. (2020). Writing and teaching writing together: Writing educator groups exploring principles and practices. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Denver, Colorado. (canceled due to COVID).

  7. Suskind, D., Peck, S., & Bruyere, J. (2019). Play and arts based literacy. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Baltimore, Maryland.

  8. Suskind, D., Buelow, S., Frambaugh-Kritzer, C., & Marlatt, R. (2019). Inquiring out, developing within. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Baltimore, Maryland.

  9. Suskind, D., Coombs, D., Fecho, B., Stewart, T. &  Hawley, T. (2019). Collaborating for development: Teacher-writers..Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Baltimore, Maryland.

  10. Suskind, D. (October, 2019). Excavation inquiry: How TAW (teacher as writers) grow mentors and change agents. Presentation given at the Mentoring Institute of the University of New Mexico: Albuquerque, New Mexico.  

  11. Suskind, D., Kaufman, D., Kissel, B, & Meigs-Kahlenberg, V. (November, 2017). Give kids the “keys” and let them drive: Practical approaches to fostering student autonomy and reclaiming our role as facilitators of learning in the writer’s workshop. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: St. Louis, Missouri.

  12. Suskind, D., Crutcher, P., Dodges, A., Sweet, J., & Valingo, S. (2017). Teaching intersectional invisibility: A space for gender, creativity, and expression. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: St. Louis, Missouri.

  13. Suskind, D. & Hansen, J. (November, 2015). Writing is CREATIVITY. Conference: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  14. Suskind, D. (November, 2015). Critical stories: Boys explore issues of race, gender, power, and privilege. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  15. Suskind, D. (2013). Boy writers: What’s gender got to do with it? Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English        Annual Conference: Boston, Massachusetts.

  16. Suskind, D., Souto-Manning, M., Dernikos, B., & Haemin, Y. (2013). Differences that matter: Language, gender, and struggles in whole        language settings. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Boston, Massachusetts.

  17. Suskind, D. (2013). The flat classroom: Forging partnerships with boys across continents. Presentation given at the International Boys’        Schools Coalition Annual Conference: Richmond, Virginia.

  18. Suskind, D. & Lewinski, K. (2012). Igniting a passion for the teaching of writing: Professional development institutes that engage teachers as writers. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Las Vegas, Nevada.

  19. Suskind, D. (2011). Boy readers and critical reading. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Chicago, Illinois.

  20. Suskind, D., Conti, H., & Hansen, J. (2010). Teaching reading and writing across the curriculum: K–2.  Presentation given at the International Reading Association’s Annual Conference: Chicago, Illinois.

  21. Suskind, D. (2009). Young children as researchers. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English’s Whole Language Umbrella Annual Conference: Columbia, South Carolina.

  22. Suskind, D. (2008). The gift of inquiry. Young children as researchers. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English        Annual Conference: San Antonio, Texas.

  23. Suskind, D. (2007). Gifted education: A model for ALL learners. Poster Session given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: New York, New York.

  24. Suskind, D. (2007). Gifted education: A model for ALL learners. Presentation given at the Virginia Council of Teachers of English        Annual Conference: Dulles, Virginia.

  25. Suskind, D. (2006). Expand how you show, grow what you know: Creating multigenre research projects in the elementary and college classroom. Presentation given at the Virginia Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Richmond, Virginia.

  26. Suskind, D. & Evertson, J. (2005). Life experiences direct understandings of self and content material. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  27. Atwell-Vasey, W., Wright, D., Suskind, D., Terney, K., & Deedrick, S. (2005). Warming up a chilly climate: Student action researchers as agents of progressive change in literacy: Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English’s Whole Language Annual Conference: San Diego, California.


  1. Suskind, D. (2022). Workplace bullying: Closed circles vs. big tent belonging. Presentation given at the International Association of Workplace Bullying and Harassment Conference: San Diego, California.

  2. Suskind, D. (2021). Disruptive women: A HERo’s journey of creative convictions and workplace bullying. Presentation given at the International Association of Workplace Bullying and Harassment’s  Annual Conference: Dubai, UAE. (Moved online due to COVID).

  3. Suskind, D. (2013). Boy writers: Writing in boyland. Presentation given at the International Boys’ Schools Coalition Annual Conference: Richmond, Virginia.

  4. Suskind, D. (2015). Action Research Coach. Presentation given at the International Boys’ School Coalition’s Annual Conference: Cape Town, South Africa.

  5. Suskind, D. (2014). Global connections: Primary children reach out to build within. Presentation given at the Flat Connections Conference: Sydney, Australia.

Copyright ~ Dorothy Suskind Ph.D.

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