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Peer reviewed
  1. Bahlmann Bollinger, C. M., Rhodes, J. A., Suskind, D., &  Johnson, D. (2022). Research brief: Literacy training for inservice and preservice K-2 teachers. The Reading Forum.

  2. Suskind, D. (2022). Writing: An act of revolution. English Journal, 111(4), 17-19.

  3. Suskind, D. (2021). Teachers as writers, writers as teachers: The power of TAW groups. Conference paper presented at The New Mexico Mentoring Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  4. Suskind, D. (2020). The psychopath in the corner office: a multigenre. Gender, Work & Organization, (20201202).

  5. Suskind, D. (2019). Excavation inquiry: How TAW groups grow mentors and change agents. Conference paper presented at The New Mexico Mentoring Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  6. Suskind, D., Thunder, K., & Hansen, J. (2015). Think big: Students and teachers as creators. Language Arts, 92 (5), 309-313.

  7. Suskind, D. (2008). Thank you, Nancie: A response to Nancie Atwell’s  The Reading Zone. Talking Points, 19(2), 22-23. 

  8. Suskind, D. (2007). Reflections of a reader. Reading in Virginia, 29, 55-56.

  9. Suskind, D. (2007). Going public: NCLB and literacy practices in teacher education. Language Arts, 84(5), 450-455.

  10. Suskind, D. (2007). Curriculum makers: Children use their critical stories to construct understanding. Talking Points, 18(2), 11-16.

  11. Suskind, D. (2007). Multigenre: Pre-service teachers think in, out, and through the past. Social Studies Research and Practice, 2(3), 403-418.


Non-Peer Reviewed
  1. Suskind, D. (2023). What if you gave yourself the apology you deserve? Psychology Today. Posted June 6:

  2. Suskind, D. (2023). Workplace bullying as a moral injury wound. Psychology Today. Posted April 28:

  3. Suskind, D. (2023). Why do workplace bullies try to make others feel invisible? Psychology Today. Posted March 13:

  4. Suskind, D. (2022). Workplace bullying: An ambiguous loss. Psychology Today. Posted December 30th:

  5. Suskind, D. (2022). The myth of closure: Navigating through workplace abuse. Psychology Today. Posted December 16th:

  6. Suskind, D. (2022). The science of reading and the perils of state literacy policies: Virginia’s cautionary tale. NCTE Blog. Posted December 1st:

  7. Suskind, D. (2022). Is your job making you sick? The surgeon general’s report on workplace mental health and well-being. Psychology Today. Posted October 25th:

  8. Suskind, D. (2022). Contra bullying and lateral violence at work: Bullying those below and adjacent to you at work. Psychology Today. Posted September 26th

  9. Suskind, D. (2022). The power of an apology: Seven steps for getting it right. Psychology Today. Posted August 9th:

  10. Suskind, D. (2022). Work shouldn’t hurt: How to eliminate workplace abuse. Psychology Today. Posted June 21st:

  11. Suskind, D. (2022). How to deal with adult bullies. Psychology Today. Posted May 6th:

  12. Suskind, D. (2022). Work shouldn’t hurt: The cycle of toxic work cultures.   Psychology Today. Posted May 17th:

  13. Suskind, D. (2022). The finite game of the science of reading. NCTE Blog. Posted January 20th:

  14. Suskind, D. (2022). Bystanders to upstanders: Speaking out against bullying. Psychology Today. Posted February 10th:

  15. Suskind, D. (2021). Pushed outside the inner circle at work. Psychology Today. Posted December 15th:

  16. Suskind, D. (2021). Ten reasons why workplace bullying destroys the workplace. Psychology Today. Posted September 15th:

  17. Suskind, D. (2021). What allows creatives to uniquely solve workplace problems? Psychology Today. Posted July 16th:

  18. Suskind, D. (2021). The not “good enough mother:” Learning to mother yourself. Psychology Today. Posted May 11th:

  19. Suskind, D. (2021). Workplace bullying is play: Meet the six characters. Psychology Today. Posted May 7th:

  20. Suskind, D. (2021). Workplace bullying: A three part degradation ceremony. Psychology Today. Posted April 2nd:

  21. Suskind, D. (2021). The degradation ceremony: A theory of workplace bullying. Psychology Today. Posted March 24th:

  22. Suskind, D. (2021). Why are you being bullied at work?: Colliding characteristics of targets and bullies that lead to workplace abuse. Psychology Today. Posted February 5th:

  23. Suskind, D. (2020). Are you being mobbed at work? Psychology Today. Posted December 31st:

  24. Suskind, D. (2020). Rewriting your narrative: Four ways to reclaim your story after trauma. Psychology Today. Posted December 13th:

  25. Suskind, D. (2020). Post-traumatic growth: Learning to thrive after trauma. Psychology Today. Posted on November 5th:

  26. Suskind, D. (2020). The predictable cycle of workplace bullying: A 7 act play. Psychology Today. Posted October 8th.

  27. Suskind, D. (2020). The critical story of the “science of reading” and why its narrow plotline is putting our children and schools at risk. NCTE Blog. Posted October 24th:

  28. Suskind, D. (2020). Being yourself at work: Choosing belong over fitting  in. Psychology Today. Posted August 28th.

  29. Suskind, D. (2020). The pain of ostracization: The bully’s silent weapon. Psychology Today. Posted July 19th.

  30. Suskind, D. (2020). The bully narcissist at work: A toolbox for coping. Psychology Today. Posted July 25th.

  31. Suskind, D. (2020). Whistleblowers speaking up for justice (Part I). Psychology Today. Posted August 5th.

  32. Suskind, D. (2020). How whistleblowers can speak up for justice (Part II). Psychology Today. Posted August 6th.

  33. Suskind, D. (2020). The Six stages of workplace bullying: Research explains the predictable cycle of workplace abuse. Psychology Today. Posted June 24th.

  34. Suskind, D. (2017). Middle school: A sacred space for spiritual stories. National Association of Episcopal Schools. Posted December 5th:

  35. Suskind, D. (2016). Teacher as a researcher: The ultimate professional development. Edutopia. Posted January 26th:

  36. Suskind, D. (2015). Living assessment passes the test. Kappan, 97 (1), 38-41.

  37. Suskind, D. (2015). A reading life. Making our literacy traditions explicit to the children we teach. The Nerdy Book Club. Posted October 19th:

  38. Suskind, D. (2015). Small twists with big impact. Reading Today Online. Posted January 6th:

  39. Suskind, D. (2014). Get a fresh start. PDK Blog: Learning on the Edge. Posted January 24th:

  40. Suskind, D. (2014). E-VALUE-ation: Asking kids what they think about our classroom. Best Practices for Boys. Posted October 24:

  41. Suskind, D. (2012). What would students do if they did not do their homework? Kappan, 94 (1), 52-55.

  42. Suskind, D. (2012). The trouble with bees. Engage. Posted July 11th.

  43. Suskind, D. (2010). Put children in positions of authority. Reading Today, 27, 17.

  44.  Suskind, D. (2007). WLU and NCTE in NYC. WLU Blog. Posted December, 12th:


Edited Works
  1. Suskind, D., Thunder, K., & Hansen, J. (Eds.) (2015). Writing as creative

construction [Special issue]. Language Arts, 92 (5).


  1. Suskind, D. (2023). Closed circles and big tent belonging. A theory of workplace abuse. Rowman and Littlefield.

  2. Hansen, J., Davis, D., Evertson, J., Freeman, T., Suskind, D., & Towers, H. (2011). The PreK-2 writing classroom: Growing confident writers.  Scholastic Teaching Resources.


  1. Titi, K. (Host), Suskind, D. (Guest). (2022, April 8). The impact of bullying on workplace cultures (Audio podcast episode). In Environments Exposed.

  2. Chakraborty, A (Host), Suskind, D. (Guest). (2022, December 12th). How to identify and deal with workplace bullying (Audio and video podcast episode). In Expert Mind Talks.


Copyright ~ Dorothy Suskind Ph.D.

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